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Music Library
by Ernest Olivarez & the
American Legacy jazz Band

     The American legacy jazz band is a musical experiment by Ernest Olivarez and his friends Brian Brokaw, Shatan Mack, Jonathon D. Eichelberger, an Tim Miller.  Together they worked remotely with (Real Live  Steve Jankowski and Jay Davidson to create all new Jazz standards. The process was documented in an article in “Recording Magazine”.  They actually made the cover back in Early 2006.     The story is basically a motley crew of saints and sinners from all walks of life gathered together with one goal in mind.  Make great Music! 

     The style of music was patterned off of songs from the Great American Songbook that contained wonderful and catchy melodies that still ring true in our hearts.  The challenge was to try and create these songs with melodies that were completely new and yet had a warm familiarity that moves the heart.   The project was finally completed by bringing in Al Fabrizio and Hugo Wainzinger to help arrange the Italian Christmas Waltz.  That song would later be featured on the Hallmark Movie Chan

nel in a movie titled “A royal Queens Christmas”.

     Ernest Olivarez has been writing songs for most of his life.  It has always been enjoyably process to write song and work with various artist.  He got experience playing with his father and  uncles in their Tex-Mex gospel band.   He always loves the challenge of writing music from any point of view and any character.    Currently He has produced a big band Christmas, and rock album projects.  Now he is also working on imagining a big band Hymnal project, love song project and worship project.    This page will allow you to have sneak peek (sketchpad) before the songs are officially release.

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